Oman tourism campaign continues in India

Calcutta: The Ministry of Heritage and Tourism is reviewing the various tourism experiences to promote the Sultanate of Oman and its distinguished tourism potential in its third destination in a row in the Indian city of Calcutta, within the promotional circles it is organizing in the Republic of India.

The Ministry of Heritage and Tourism also aims to introduce tourist packages and offers offered by tourism companies, in addition to communicating with commercial partners, gaining direct insights into Indian market trends, and providing first-hand information about destinations, tourist attractions, and accommodation facilities in the Sultanate of Oman, with the participation of more than 200 tourism institutions and companies.

The ministry’s delegation is headed by Asma bint Salem Al Hajariya, Assistant Director General of Tourism Promotion at the Directorate General of Tourism Promotion.

It is noteworthy that the workshops began on July 24 and will continue until Monday, with the participation of representatives of tourism institutions and establishments operating in the Sultanate of Oman, in addition to the most prominent partners of the tourism sector in India representing travel agencies, tour operators, representatives of various media, traveling between four major cities that are considered a source of traffic.

Tourism starts from Delhi, passing through Jaipur, Kolkata and ending in Mumbai. The organization of the mobile promotional workshops comes within the framework of the efforts made by the Ministry of Heritage and Tourism to target the Indian tourist market and promote Oman as an ideal destination for Indian travelers for entertainment, weddings and events, and introduce the most important cultural and cultural landmarks and the most prominent tourist sites and components that it abounds in.

The promotional seminars program included introductory visual presentations from the Ministry’s specialists and the Ministry’s tourism representation office in India.

It also witnessed meetings between the Ministry’s delegation and senior officials in the tourism sector in India, and ways of cooperation, finding partnerships and contracting with Indian companies, in addition to meeting with Indian media. Sunjit, Director of the Tourism Representation Office of the Ministry of Heritage and Tourism in India, indicated that the direct workshops with representatives of travel and tourism companies aim to market the Sultanate of Oman as a tourist destination that meets the requirements and desires of Indian tourists and provides them with a new and rich tourism experience.

He added that the Sultanate of Oman is witnessing a steady growth in the number of tourists coming to it, and this was reinforced by the infrastructure of the tourism sector and the availability of hotel facilities that meet the various needs of tourists, in addition to its unique heritage, tourism, environmental and cultural components regionally on the other hand, and the availability of exceptional experiences through a variety of adventures. Which is very popular with a large segment of tourists around the world.

The Sultanate of Oman is one of the favorite nearby destinations for Indians, with the availability of direct air traffic between the two countries, which shortens the distance between the two countries to less than four hours, in addition to visa facilities, and the availability of a variety of hotel options.

He stressed the vital role played by the Tourism Representative Office in India to promote the Sultanate of Oman through direct business meetings with travel sector partners, and also work closely with all stakeholders including airlines and tourism companies, in addition to presenting joint marketing offers, and focusing on Various media outlets by providing press releases and periodic newsletters, and promoting via social media.

It is noteworthy that the organization of these mobile promotional circles comes as a continuation of the tourism promotion efforts carried out by the Ministry of Heritage and Tourism through its external representation offices in many countries around the world. The Sultanate of Oman is a tourist destination with rich and diverse components that suit the various requirements and aspirations of the qualitative tourism markets that are interested in it. targeted by the Sultanate of Oman.

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