Oman TV wins the Best Documentary Award in Arab-European TV co-production

Muscat: Oman TV’s “Bawabat Al Jumaa (Friday Gate) won the Best Documentary Award in joint Arab-European TV production programme titled Between the Banks.

The film, authored by director Abeer Nasser Al Hajri, topped the productions of 13 Arab and European TV organizations.

The documentary saw the participation of cameraman Mus’ab Al Rawahi, assistant director Asaad Al Busaidi, aerial photographer Mohammed Al Hadhrami and editor Alya Al Braiki.

Abeer told Oman News Agency (ONA) that the film focused on events at Souq Nizwa (Nizwa marketplace) on a Friday. The film documented traditional sale activities at the vegetable and fruit market, auctioning at the livestock market, as well as popular folklore and accompanying artisanal activities.

Abeer added that the joint Arab-European production of documentary series titled “Bazaars and People” focused on typical personalities in the market, among them Ibrahim Al Amri due to his great attachment to his store, which he inherited from his ancestors in Nizwa market.

During his tenure at the store, Ibrahim learned four languages: “English, German, French, and Italian, mainly through his dealings with tourists from different countries of the world, she explained.

Abeer pointed out that the idea behind choosing Nizwa market as a setting for the documentary was to portray the marketplace’s significance as a social and economic hotspot. The film also demonstrates how traditional markets can serve as grounds for cultural and economic interactions. -ONA

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