Oman-USA Joint Military Drill “Valley of Fire 2023” Concludes

Salalah: The joint Oman-USA military drill “Valley of Fire 2023”, concluded today in the Governorate of Dhofar.

The drill was conducted with the participation of the Royal Army of Oman (RAO) and infantry units of the United States Army.

Other personnel of RAO and the Royal Air Force of Oman (RAFO) also took part in the drill.

Simulation and role-playing tasks of the drill were aimed at providing training in accordance with the RAO training plan to sustain preparedness and achieve the desired national objectives. The drill comes within the context of annual training programmes that aim to exchange expertise in military fields.

The concluding event was held under the auspices of Brigadier Abdulkadim Ibrahim Al Ajmi, Commander of the 11th Infantry Brigade. It was also attended by several senior officers of RAO and the US Army. – ONA

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