Oman Wins 19 Medals in the West Asian Championship

Oman’s National Body Building, Physique Team Bags 19 Medals in World Championships

Manama: Oman’s national body building and physique team bags 19 medals in the West Asian Bodybuilding and Physics Championship, which was held in the Bahraini capital, Manama.

Abdul Majeed Al-Raisi won the gold in the junior physique, and the player Imran Al-Dhafri won the gold medal in the macroscopic physique with a length of more than 179 centimeters.

Omar Al-Masoudi, was able to win the gold medal in the Physics category, with a length of 173 centimeters. While the player Abdul Majeed Al-Hadhrami won the Physics silver, 173 centimeters long, and the player Malik Al-Kasbi added the Physics silver, 176 centimeters long, and in the 179-centimeter length, the player Mazen Al-Balushi won the bronze medal in the Physics category, 179 centimeters long, and the player Amer Al-Balooshi won the silver medal in the Physics category, 182 centimeters long.

Ghanem Al-Maamari was crowned the Champion of Champions and a professional card, and the player Omar Al-Masoudi was crowned the second champion of champions and the silver medal and a professional card.

Nabhan Al-Zadjali won the silver medal in the Classic Physics category with a length of 173 centimeters, and the player Mohsen Al-Harthy added the silver medal in the Classic Bodybuilding, a length of 175 centimeters.

Samer Al-Balushi achieved fourth place in the Classic Bodybuilding, a length of 180 centimeters. The player Sami Al-Gharbi was able to achieve the gold medal in the weight of 65 kilograms in bodybuilding.

Nabhan Al-Zadjali won the bronze medal in the weight of 75 kilograms, and the player Ali Al-Mamari won the gold medal in the weight of 85 kilograms.

Muhammad Al-Ajmi added the silver medal in the weight of 95 kilograms, and the player was able to Ali Al-Maamari won the title of Champion of Champions and a professional card.

Ishaq Al-Farsi achieved fourth place in the 179-centimeter masculer physic category, and Khaled Al-Shehhi achieved sixth place in the 179-centimetre masculer physic category.

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