Oman winter season to begin on December 22

Temperature drops to zero in Oman mountains
Temperature drops to zero in Oman mountains

Muscat: The Sultanate of Oman will experience winter solstice from Thursday, 22 December 2022, astronomically considered the first day of winter season in the northern hemisphere. The phenomenon begins at 1:48 pm, Oman time, and it is thus the longest night and the shortest day of the year.

Speaking about the phenomenon, Rayan Said Al Ruwaishdi, a member of Oman Astronomical Society, told Oman News Agency (ONA) that Thursday, the 22nd of December, being the shortest day of the year, and the night is the longest night in the calendar. “The sun will rise in Muscat at 06:44 am and set at 05:25 pm Oman time. The day will be just 10 hours and 41 minutes long and it will be the first day of the winter season, which lasts 88 days, 23 hours and 36 minutes,” she added.

Upon the outset of the winter solstice, it will be observed that as if the sun rises from one point in the south of the sky for a few days before it begins its apparent path towards the north again as a result of the Earth’s movement in its orbit around the sun. The phenomenon will continue for several days, and then daylight hours begin to extend until their duration becomes equal to those of the night. Later, the vernal equinox (the start of transition into Spring season) will occur on 21 March 2023.

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