Omani among the top 10 architects in Middle East

The special edition of Arabian Business has revealed the top 10 architects who are making a difference in the design and architecture scene in the region and beyond.

The publication also revealed a presentation of the growth and development of the architecture industry in the Middle East, the factors driving its development, and the unique challenges and opportunities it faces.

The release included a list of the top 10 engineers who had a significant impact on the architecture sector and its development. The list included a single Omani name on the list, which is Engineer Muhammad Al Salmy.

Engineer Muhammad Al Salmy is considered one of the most prominent architects in the Sultanate of Oman, and he is the owner of Hoehler + alSalmy (H + S), an esteemed architectural firm based in Oman, celebrated 14 years of dedicated service and operation. After a rebranding from Hoehler + Partner (H+P) in 2016, H + S, under the visionary leadership of Al Salmy, pursued a focused expansion strategy, establishing a remarkable global presence over the past year.

Al-Salmy Company works to enhance social responsibility by training Omanis to excel in this sector and its sustainability and to preserve the Omani architectural style.

It is noteworthy that the selection of the engineer in this list was preceded by his selection in the list of forty personalities under the age of forty for the year 2018 in the prestigious American specialized magazine Building Design + Construction, which was founded in 1950 and is considered one of the most important magazines in the field of engineering and construction, and he is the first Arab personality to enter List since the magazine’s inception.

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