Omani delegation arrives at Hangzhou Asian Games Village

Hangzhou: The administrative delegation of the Sultanate of Oman participating in the 19th Asian Games, which will be held in the Chinese city of Hangzhou during the period from September 23 to October 8, arrived, completing the procedures and administrative requirements necessary for the entry of representatives of the national teams participating in the tournament to Olympic Village.

12,000 athletes from 45 countries will participate in the Asian Games, competing in 40 games, distributed in 5 integrated Olympic villages for various sporting events.

Salem bin Mohammed Al Busaidi, Director of the Sultanate of Oman’s delegation, said: “Since our arrival at the Asian Games Village, several meetings have been held with the organizing body to ensure its readiness to receive the official, administrative and sports delegation, and all necessary arrangements have been completed, and China has benefited from postponing the tournament from last year 2022 due to the Corona virus pandemic and the measures taken at the time, and therefore all the facilities – starting from the sports village, stadiums and sub-villages that will host part of the events – are ready and were used and some sporting events were held there last year at the local level and proved their readiness, knowing that Chinese President Xi Jinping himself By inspecting sports facilities during their construction, this is an indication of the interest of the Chinese government and its leadership in hosting the Asian Games.

The Sultanate of Oman is participating in this tournament in seven sports: athletics, weightlifting, water sports, archery, sailing, beach volleyball, and hockey. On the other hand, the Asian Games Village, which was established by the committee to host visitors from all Asian countries, was opened today. The village, designed in an innovative, sustainable style, is located in the north of the city of Qianjiang.

The village accommodates 20,000 people and includes 37 residential buildings and 2,696 rooms for delegations of countries participating in the Asian Games. The village provides transportation services to the train station, the airport, and venues for games and competitions, and is equipped with all the services that athletes and delegations need.

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