Omani Financial Manager Programme Launched in Dhofar Governorate

Muscat: The supervisory committee of the Omani Financial Manager Program for the period (2023-2026) announced the launch of the program in Dhofar Governorate next August; The program allocated three seats for owners of small and medium enterprises to be nominated by the Public Authority for Small and Medium Enterprises Development, and the duration of the program continues for 8 consecutive weeks, at a rate of one day per week.

This came during the second meeting of the committee for the current year, which was held at the headquarters of the Oman Chamber of Commerce and Industry, chaired by Dr. Abdullah bin Masoud Al Harthy, member of the Chamber’s board of directors and chairman of the committee, and in the presence of its members.

The committee explained that the program launched by the Chamber in cooperation with the Institute of Chartered Accountants in the Republic of India aims to empower Omani human cadres in public and private sector institutions, train Omani human cadres on strategic leadership capabilities and develop them, and attract the largest possible number of Omani citizens to assume leadership positions in institutions.

Dr. Abdullah bin Masoud Al Harthy, Member of the Board of Directors of the Chamber and Chairman of the Supervisory Committee for the Omani Financial Manager Program for the period (2023-2026), indicated that small and medium enterprises are a basic engine for economic growth, and contribute to creating job opportunities and enhancing economic activity in local communities.

He added that supporting these institutions contributes to promoting economic diversification and reduces the economy’s dependence on large sectors.

These institutions also provide opportunities for the emergence of new and emerging sectors, explaining that supporting small and medium enterprises supports economic development, as they are an essential part of the economic structure and their support enhances the trade and investment environment.

He said that the program was keen to allocate seats for the owners of these institutions to enhance their services in the accounting profession, as the Omani Finance Manager Program plays a decisive role in supporting human cadres in the field of accounting, and provides opportunities for professional development and enhances standards and confidence, and the program also works to improve the business environment, investment and development Professional, which increases the efficiency of workers in the accounting profession.

Dr. Khalfan Al Barwani, Vice Chairman of the Committee, explained that the program seeks to find mechanisms to expand the participation of owners of small and medium enterprises in support of their entrepreneurial projects, as the program combines education and interaction that enhance knowledge and financial culture. Current and resource management activity, in addition to the need to revitalize diseased units, investment strategy, budgets, strategic action plans and risk management. All of these axes will contribute effectively to the development of human cadres, enhance skills and stimulate potential for development.

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