Omani folk arts delight the celebrants of Eid

Muscat: The Sultanate of Oman is famous for many folk arts that are practiced on various occasions and holidays, and their presence is confirmed on Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha, to complement the artistic painting that takes shape during the holidays. With the aim of drawing a smile on the faces of the celebrating children, youth, women and the elderly.

One of the most famous of these arts is the art of Al-Razha, which is one of the popular songs that spread in the governorates of northern Oman. The art of Al-Razha is performed collectively when two rows of men with sticks, swords or weapons meet, and in the middle are some men who perform shows with swords and gears, and they chant folk songs. It is accompanied by the sounds of the drums of Al Kasir and Al Rahmani and some trumpets.

In some states, lyrical marches are held in which swords, guns and daggers are carried, such as the art of al-Azi, which relies on sound only without the use of musical instruments, and expresses pride, pride and loyalty with the participation of large numbers of people, led by the poet performing al-Azi, holding a sword in the right hand and a gear in the left hand then people repeat what the poet said.

Many Omanis preserve these arts in order to consolidate the Omani heritage in the hearts of young people, and to instill a spirit of community participation in social events.

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