Omani philanthropist donates building worth OMR 120,000

The charitable endowment is part of the system of social solidarity, and it is a type of system that secures the payment of the basic needs of society.

An Omani philanthropists from the Wilayat of Ibri has donated an industrial residential building and endowed it to the Zakat Committee in the wilayat.

Sunaidi bin Humaid al-Shuaili, head of the Zakat Committee in the Wilayat of Ibri, told that the building land area of ​​1,200 square meters and is located in the industrial area in Ibri. It contains five shops, five apartments and a car repair workshop, and its market value is estimated at 120,000 Omani riyals.

Al-Shuaili explained that the endowment mechanism has become easy thanks to the digital transformation pursued by the government represented by the Ministry of Endowments and Religious Affairs, and the endowment procedures are cleared within one hour through the electronic link between the Ministries of Endowments and Housing.

Al-Shuaili mentioned that during the past year, three commercial residential buildings and residential lands were endowed, the proceeds of which go back to all aspects of charitable causes.

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