Omani Zahran Alqasmi wins the International Prize for Arabic Fiction

Abu Dhabi: A novel titled “The Water Diviner” by Omani writer and poet Zahran Al Qasimi won the 16th edition of the International Prize for Arabic Fiction “Booker 2023”.

The literary contest’s results were announced today in the UAE capital, Abu Dhabi.

Mohammed Al Ash’ari, head of the jury, said that the narrative (named in Arabic as “Taghreebat Al Qafir”) was chosen because it tackled a new domain in modern fictional writing. He explained that the writer focused on the topic of water due to its significance to the natural environment and human life, notably in difficult areas.

He added that the writer presented this topic through intact harmony between reality and myth. The novel featured a perfect structure and narrated events and characters in fine poetic language.

He added that the novel sculpted exciting characters that occupy a fundamental role in people’s lives, but, at the same time, trigger people’s alienation and apprehension.

Al Ash’ari affirmed that the writer was able to bring the readers closer to an unfamiliar theatre of narratives circulating in the Arab world. “It lays emphasis on the theatre of valleys and streams in the Sultanate of Oman. It highlights the impact of natural resources on people’s relationship with their surroundings and culture”, he explained.

Zahran Al-Qasimi was born in 1974 in the Wilayat of Dima W’Attayeen. He published three novels before: in 2013, 2014 and 2017. He also published 10 collections of poetry between 2009 and 2011. -ONA

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