Oman’s ASMED Launches “Information Plus” System


Muscat: Acting in cooperation with the Royal Oman Police (ROP), the Authority for Small and Medium Enterprises Development (ASMED) today launched a new electronic information system codenamed “Information Plus”.

The system, to be available via ASMED website, constitutes a digital reference for information on companies and establishments, their locations, their activities, population information and economic activities.

The system seeks to enable SMEs to develop an entrepreneurial environment and to establish an integrated electronic information database for supporting their business activities within the framework of the national approaches of Oman Vision 2040.

Besides promoting entrepreneurship as one of the pillars of the national economy in Oman, the system enhances decision-making that is based on open data of economic and strategic sectors.

The system encourages the use of open data and making it available to SME owners who wish to launch their own projects and access innovative solutions to various challenges. It provides grounds for building a digital economy informed by knowledge society and innovation. The information is shared and reused in an appropriate manner so that they could be converted into tools and applications that help in research, innovation and smart solutions.

The system forms a cornerstone for ASMED’s strive to help achieve proactive operations, notably by making open data easily available in digital form and realizing ease and speed of response. ASMED will organize a series of workshops for entrepreneurs and owners of SMEs and startups who wish to establish their own projects. The system helps explore markets before starting a project.

It emerges as an effective tool for integrating efforts and encouraging integration between SMEs and large companies. It helps entrepreneurs to identify projects that represent promising opportunities for them in governorates and urban communities.

It provides a wide range of information about establishments of the government and private sectors within the context of an interactive map within an entrepreneur’s governorate, wilayat and urban community.

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