Oman’s Council of Ministers Endorses Study to Amend Law on Protecting Public Funds.


Muscat (ONA) : The Council of Ministers has endorsed a study on amending the law on protecting public funds and conflict of interests promulgated under Real Decree No 112.2011.

The statute seeks to enhance transparency and government procedures on combating corruption, according to a statement issued by the Council reading as follows:

“In light of the constant attention accorded by the government to update laws, revise legislative and auditing procedures and developing measures of accountability so that they could constitute the cornerstone of justice in future and consolidate the government’s ability to achieve the goals of Oman Vision 2040, the Council of Ministers has endorsed a study on amending the Law on protection of public funds and avoiding conflict of interests promulgated under Royal Decree No 112/2011, with a view to enhancing transparency and procedures undertaken by the government to combat corruption.

The State Audit Institution will coordinate with the authorities concerned about amendments to be introduced to the enforced law and institute better public funds protection.”

The Council of Ministers wished all departments success in achieving a high level of efficiency and boosting the comprehensive development. process.

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