Oman’s CPA launches 2nd edition of the Consumer Friendly Enterprises Initiative

Oman’s CPA
Oman’s CPA

Muscat: The Consumer Protection Authority (CPA) has recently launched the second edition of its Consumer-Friendly Enterprises Initiative in the Sultanate of Oman, to enhance the efficiency of services offered to consumers across the commercial, industrial, and economic goods and services sectors.

This initiative seeks to foster healthy competition among commercial, industrial, and service establishments, while continuously improving the services provided to consumers. By doing so, the initiative also targets a reduction in consumer complaints, an increase in consumer awareness of their rights, and an understanding of the responsibilities of service providers towards consumers. In its second phase, the initiative is directed towards all commercial establishments, including commercial centers and small and medium enterprises that aspire to deliver exceptional services to Omani consumers and residents.

The initiative is structured around three core themes: customer focus, mechanisms for ensuring customer satisfaction, meeting consumer needs, and fostering service development and innovation. The evaluation process involves stages of registration, assessment, and analysis, culminating in the presentation of results. The inaugural edition of the initiative proved successful in building consumer trust and loyalty, enhancing corporate sustainability, and boosting competitiveness in the market. By awarding accredited certificates and detailed reports to deserving institutions, the initiative bolsters investments by enhancing the reputation of recognized organizations.

Moreover, the initiative aids in raising consumer loyalty levels, leveraging case studies on standards, and innovative analytical reports, and purging the market of negative practices. This initiative plays a pivotal role in improving the business environment, particularly within the retail and service sectors in the Sultanate of Oman, while promoting the concept of social responsibility among institutions.

It is important to highlight that the Friendly Institutions initiative is a part of the Authority’s tenth strategic plan, aligning with Oman Vision 2040. By focusing on enhancing service efficiency in the retail, commercial, industrial, and economic services sectors, and adhering to predefined standards in accordance with Oman’s laws and regulations, the initiative aims to shed light on both positive and negative aspects to drive continual development and enhance service quality.

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