Oman’s CPA recovers over OMR 9,000 for a consumer in Ibra for this reason

Oman’s CPA
Oman’s CPA

Ibra: The Consumer Protection Department in North Al Sharqiyah Governorate was recently able to reach an amicable settlement between a consumer and a car agency, as part of the administration’s efforts to ensure consumers’ rights and recover them in case they are violated, by all available means.

The details are summarized in the administration receiving a complaint from a consumer against a car agency stating that he had purchased a new vehicle and upon receiving it from the agency’s branch in the Wilayat of Sinaw, the vehicle stopped working. When asked, the agency stated that there was not enough fuel in the vehicle, and after receiving it, it stopped working again in the morning.

The next day after that, he contacted the agency that sent a crane to transport the vehicle to the main branch in Muscat Governorate, and he was informed that there was a malfunction in the sensor (sensors), as the agency expressed its willingness to change the part with a new one, which was refused by the consumer and demanded to return the amount he paid for purchasing the vehicle, and as a result of the refusal of agency, in response to his demands, went to submit his complaint to the administration, which immediately began examining the complaint and taking its legal procedures.

Accordingly, an amicable settlement was reached between the two parties, provided that the agency has to refund (9895) Omani riyals for the purchase amount of the vehicle, and the amount to be paid to the consumer within two weeks from the date of the settlement.

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