Oman’s EA in Al Dhahirah launches campaign to remove marine ghaf

Ibri: The Environment Authority in Al Dhahirah Governorate today launched a campaign to remove marine Ghaf (Mesquite) trees in the Wilayat of Ibri in Al Dhahirah Governorate, as part of a plan targeting a number of sites such as Wadi Tan’am, Tan’am Lake and Masruq area west of Ibri.

The campaign aims to eliminate harmful trees in cooperation with the General Directorate of Agricultural Wealth and Water Resources in the governorate, as an area of ​​five kilometers and one kilometer wide was targeted.

Fahd bin Saeed Al Nasiri, Director of the Environment Department in Al Dhahirah Governorate, pointed out that the efforts made to protect the environment through campaigns to remove the marine Ghaf trees come in light of the damage caused by this invasive tree to the Omani environment, as it causes harm to animals when they feed on its leaves or fruits, in addition to the damage it causes to local wild trees and trees planted in the event that it grows on farms.

Its harmful effect also extends to changing the courses of valleys through its rapid growth, as soon as it grows near any other tree, it quickly destroys it; due to the density of its branches and the deep penetration of its roots into the ground.

It is worth noting that the Environment Authority, government and private agencies, civil teams and community members are working to combat the spread of marine ghaf (mesquite) trees and eliminate them. Despite their ever-green leaves, their harms outweigh their benefits. The reality reflects the widespread spread of this tree in the governorate’s states, among farms, valleys and mountains. Efforts to remove and eliminate mesquite trees are still ongoing.

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