Oman’s EA plants more than 7400 wild trees in Al Buraimi

Al Buraimi: The Environment Department in Al Buraimi Governorate has finished planting more than 7,400 wild trees in cooperation and partnership with Haya Company, private sector institutions, and the Al Buraimi Charitable Team, in order to achieve the goals of the national initiative to plant 10 million trees.

Nasser bin Hamoud Al-Yaqoubi, Director of the Environment Department in Al Buraimi Governorate, said: The administration is working to implement planting projects to support the national initiative to plant 10 million trees. With the aim of increasing and improving vegetation cover in pastoral and degraded natural areas, and rehabilitating mining quarry sites by cultivating them and settling wildlife there.

He added: The project to plant more than 7,400 wild trees in Buraimi Governorate includes rehabilitating a fenced neighborhood with an area of ​​10,000 square meters in Buraimi Governorate, and planting more than 1,200 wild trees in it, such as sidr and ghaf. The implementation of the second phase has begun, during which the remaining area, which amounts to About 15 thousand square meters.

He explained that in the state of Sunaina, the third phase of the Al-Safa fenced project has been completed, through the planting of about 4,000 wild trees of Sidr, Shu’a and Ghaf, in partnership with the private sector, provided that there will be another phase of planting operations. In the state of Mahdha, the state fence was completed in partnership with the private sector, and more than 2,500 wild trees were planted, with other stages of planting operations to be implemented in the next stage.

Within the same framework, the Environment Department implemented planting projects for other sites, which included distributing 11,500 seedlings to the sites of government agencies, schools and mosques in the governorate, while the Environment Department continues to distribute wild tree seedlings to various groups of society, in addition to participating in various events carried out in the governorate’s states. and distributing seedlings therein; With the aim of raising awareness and spreading the culture of the importance of tree planting to all segments of the local community.

It is worth noting that planting trees and their presence in desert areas constituted an attraction for resident and migratory birds to build their nests on trees, in addition to contributing to reducing the rise of dust and sand encroachment, softening the air and lowering temperatures.

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