Oman’s Education Ministry Launches Interactive Educational Statistics Platform

Muscat: The Ministry of Education launched today the “Interactive Education Statistics for the Ministry of Education Platform”, in the presence of Dr. Madiha Ahmed Al Shaibani, Minister of Education and Majid Said Al Bahri, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Education for Financial and Administrative Affairs.

During the event, Dr. Madiha affirmed that launching the Interactive Educational Statistics Platform stems from the pressing need to provide a database and unify it on the various fields as the real wealth in the current time is data. This platform, she explained, is part of a larger project which is the digital transformation, pointing out that the platform enables access to integration in educational indicators.

The launch ceremony included a visual presentation on the interactive educational statistics platform of the Ministry of Education, presented by Rahma Al Mahrouqi, Director of the Department of Statistics and Indicators.

In the presentation, she provided an introductory overview of the platform, in which she explained that the platform aims to keep pace with the requirements of Oman Vision 2040 and digital transformation, and display educational statistics in an interactive manner. She explained that the platform allows the user to access comprehensive educational data on government schools, teachers, students, and other educational data and information in the Sultanate of Oman.

This data was prepared through the (Power BI) program, which is one of the programs that deal with databases of different sources in a simultaneous and real-time manner.

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