Oman’s fish production declines 22.4% by October 2022

The Sultanate of Oman’s fish production declined by 22.4% to stand at 556,151 tons till the end of October 2022 compared to 716,272 tons during the corresponding period in 2021, according to the latest data issued by the National Centre for Statistics and Information (NCSI)

The total value of fish production grew by 2.2% of which worth stands at RO 339.592 million compared to the same period in 2021.

Traditional fishing, which constitutes the largest share of Oman’s fish production, dropped by 24.8% to reach 515,318 tons by the end of October 2022 compared to 685,244 tons during the corresponding period in 2021.

On the level of governorates, the Governorate of Al Wusta came first in the volume of fish landing through traditional fishing as production stood at 182,460 tons, comprising a fall by 34.2% by the end of October 2022. The Governorate of South A’Sharqiyah came second by producing 162,047 tons, constituting a drop by 29.2% by the end of October 2022. They were followed by the governorates of North Al Batinah and South Al Batinah as production stood at 58,307 tons, comprising a rise by 2.7%.

Sectors of commercial and coastal fisheries grew by 34.5% and 9%, respectively.

Small pelagic fish comprised the largest share of traditional fishing till the end of October 2022 to hit at 250,989 tons, comprising 35.9% compared to the corresponding period in 2021.

Moreover, large pelagic fish declined by 10.5% to stand at 140,157 tons compared to the corresponding period in 2021.

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