Oman’s Higher education ministry, Bahwan Cybertech Signs Cooperation Agreement

Muscat: The Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation today signed a cooperation agreement in the fields of higher education, research, innovation and vocational training with Bahwan Cybertech.

The agreement was signed by Dr. Rahma Ibrahim Al Mahrouqi, Minister of Higher Education, Research and Innovation, and Durgaprasad (DP), Co-founder, Director and Group CEO of Bahwan CyberTek (BCT) Group.

The agreement states that Bahwan Cybertech will support the higher education sector through annual funding of undergraduate scholarships in various disciplines in Oman. The company will also train students of private higher education institutions, develop partnerships and cooperation programmes with private universities and colleges (in the fields of research and innovation), invest in readily available opportunities and support the ministry’s cultural programme titled “We are Oman” over the next three years.

The agreement also secures the company’s support for the research and innovation sector by financing three startups envisaged as part of a programme known as “Upgrade”, which seeks to transform student graduation projects into startups. Such innovation-based entrepreneurships will be set up in accordance with standard regulations and established business norms.

The company will also lend backing to applied research and the university’s annual research forum, besides funding the participation of a Nobel Prize-winning speaker or a world-renowned scientist in the forum. This is in addition to funding the establishment of an online electronic platform (named “Oman Innovates”), which is designed to boost research and innovation.

Under the agreement, Bahwan CyberTek will support and finance a number of development projects undertaken by vocational colleges affiliated to the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation.

The company will also provide training programmes to the staff of the Ministry and vocational colleges. – ONA

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