Oman’s Minister of Justice and Legal Affairs issues ministerial decision

Dr. Abdullah bin Mohammed bin Said Al Saeedi, Minister of Justice and Legal Affairs, issued Ministerial Decision No. 78/2023 amending Ministerial Decision No. 300/2019 authorizing the status of judicial officers for some employees of the Civil Aviation Authority, and it stated:

Pursuant to Royal Decree No. 84/102 ratifying the Protocol Amending the Chicago Convention on International Civil Aviation, and Royal Decree No. 96/80 ratifying the Arabic text of the Convention on International Civil Aviation (Chicago Convention of 1944), and Royal Decree No. 96/106 ratifying some protocols amending the Chicago Convention on International Civil Aviation, and the Civil Aviation Law promulgated by Royal Decree No. 76/2019, and Royal Decree No. 65/2006 approving the accession of the Sultanate of Oman to the agreement to unify some rules of international air transport, and Royal Decree No. 127/2007 ratifying the Montreal Protocol of 1947 regarding the addition of a new article (93 bis) to the Convention on International Civil Aviation signed in Chicago in 1944, and the executive regulations of the Civil Aviation Law issued by Ministerial Resolution No. 116/2023, and the Ministerial Resolution No. 300/2019 granting the status of judicial officers to some employees of the Civil Aviation Authority,

Article one

Added to Article 1 of the aforementioned Ministerial Resolution No. 300/2019, the following positions:

Airport safety inspector.

Aviation medicine specialist.

Hazardous materials inspector.

Flight permit inspector.

Instrumental take-off and landing procedures design inspector.

Article two

Anything that contradicts this decision or contradicts its provisions shall be repealed.

Article Three

This decision shall be published in the Official Gazette, and shall come into effect from the day following the date of its publication.

Issued on: 7 Dhu al-Hijjah 1444 AH

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