Oman’s Ministry completes the survey and maintenance of over 16000km

Muscat: The Ministry of Transport, Communications and Information Technology completed last June the survey and maintenance of more than 16,000 km of asphalt and dirt roads, including 9,755 km for dirt roads, 444 km for mountain dirt roads, while the length of desert dirt roads reached 2,286 km.

The ministry also carried out maintenance work on 3,989 km of asphalt roads, and the rehabilitation of 56 km of dirt roads.

The Ministry is working on implementing the periodic maintenance program for roads and repairing weather damage at an estimated cost of more than 260 million Omani riyals, of which 29 million riyals is the cost of maintenance contracts for dirt and mountain roads for a period of 5 years. more than 63 million Omani riyals for the cost of asphalt road maintenance contracts for a period of 5 years; More than 17 million Omani riyals cost separate road repairs in various governorates, while the value of damage repair projects on the road network caused by weather conditions amounted to more than 151 million Omani riyals.

In terms of safety work, the Ministry carried out road painting works with a length of 47,368 linear meters, and implemented iron barriers with a length of 4,763 linear meters, replacing 399 guiding panels, and carrying out protective works on 2,810 cubic meters.

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