Oman’s Ministry grants licence to two companies to manage taxi services at the airports

Muscat: The Ministry of Transport, Communications and Information Technology announced having granting two licences to companies to manage taxi services at the Sultanate of Oman airports.

The Ministry pointed out that the two licensed firms were authorizes to manage the services after meeting all requirements and provisions of Land Transport Law, and showing commitment to accommodate, in the apps, all current taxi owners operating at Omani airports, the parties granted the licences pledged to train the taxi owners/drivers of this segment, and develop their skills, and fulfill all technical requirements specified by the Ministry in the license, with the prime aim of improving the public transportation system in the Sultanate of Oman.

The two licenses were granted to Cloud World Company, represented as “Otaxi” application, and Ubar Smart Cities Company, represented as “Oman Taxi” application.

They are two Omani companies, and their applications contain many smart options and features for use with complete ease. The applications also provide a route tracking and monitoring system. The value of taxi service is determined at fixed price prior to the start of each trip, the process ensure the privacy and security of the user.

The Ministry of Transport, Communications and Information Technology urged taxi drivers operating at airports to join the licensed applications no later than the first of next October, and the provision of the service at airports will be limited to the organizers of those applications only. This will coincide with the Ministry’s launch of the “Aber App,” which is a smart application that includes all licensed taxi applications in the Sultanate of Oman, which helps beneficiaries of taxi services easily access the applications in one window and choose their desired destination through the immediate or advance reservation system.

Within the (Aber) program concerned with developing and regulating the taxi sector, the Ministry seeks to include all taxi vehicles in the applications licensed by the Ministry. With the aim of improving this sector in terms of the use of technology, meters, vehicle preparation, training, and aspects of security and safety in operation.

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