Oman’s Ministry Honors Omani author Zahran Al Qasimi

Muscat: The Ministry of Culture, Sports and Youth honored the Omani writer, Zahran bin Hamdan Al Qasimi, after his novel “The Water Diviner” won the Arabic Booker Prize for the year 2023.

This came during the reception of His Excellency Sayyid Saeed bin Sultan Al Busaidi, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Youth for Culture, writer Zahran bin Hamdan Al Qasimi, in his office today. The winning of the novel “The Westernization of Al Qafir” is an achievement for the Sultanate of Oman on the Arab and international levels.

This honor also comes as an affirmation of the Ministry’s interest in honoring the achievers, creators and recipients of regional and international awards in the cultural, sports and youth fields. Zahran Al Qasimi is a poet and novelist from the Sultanate of Oman, and he has published three other novels apart from the winning novel, which are: “The Mountain of Shu’a” in 2013, “The Sniper” in 2014, and also the novel “Hunger of Honey” in 2017, and he also has ten collections of poetry. The events of the novel “The Quaker’s Alienation” take place in a dramatic framework full of suspense and mystery. The novel presents a main story that deals with the adventure of the character of the Qafar, who is a mysterious and unusual character.

The Qafar has exceptional abilities and deals with unique problems and challenges on his journey. The story moves between different worlds and unexpected events, which makes the reader stuck in the details of the story.

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