Oman’s Ministry Tour Diba-Lima-Khasab Road Project Site

Khasab: Within the context of the attention accorded by the government of His Majesty the Sultan to develop the Governorate of Musandam, Eng. Said Hamoud Al Ma’awali, Minister of Transport, Communications and Information Technology, and Sayyid Ibrahim Said Al Busaidi, Governor of Musandam, today went on tour of strategic projects in the governorate.

During the field visit, the two officials took note of the progress made on paving the Diba-Lima-Khasab road prior to the implementation of the project. They also listened to the project managers’ views about possible challenges, as well as demands made by people of the Niyabat of Lima.

The visit covered beach sites that would be accessible by land after the construction of the road. The officials discussed proposed designs for projects benefiting the Khub Al Shamsi area. They also exchanged views with government departments about suitable measures to address the difficulties involved in designating areas for contractors’ equipment sites in each of Khasab, Lima and Diba. Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) will be engaged in order to increase the local added value.

The tour included the route of Khor Najd Road and its implementation plans, as well as Mooh tunnel project. The officials listened to a briefing by Hutchison Sohar Company, the new operators of Khasab Port project, who elaborated on future plans to develop the port. – ONA

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