Oman’s MoCIIP clarifies on liquid synthetic detergents


Muscat: The Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Investment Promotion clarified the requirements and controls related to the Omani-Gulf Standard Specification No. (OS GSO 2059/2022) for the standard specification of liquid synthetic detergents for fabrics and clothes, as the specification clarifies the requirements that must be met in liquid synthetic detergents that contain effective synthetic materials for the purpose of using them in washing fabrics and clothes of all kinds in washing machines and hand washing.

The standard aims at setting characteristics, technical requirements and explanatory data for liquid synthetic detergent products for fabrics and clothes for manufacturers, traders and consumers to ensure the quality and safety of these products before they are traded in the markets.

Suad bint Fahd Al-Houtiyah, a specification specialist at the Directorate General of Standards and Metrology at the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Investment Promotion, said: “Detergent” means any substance or mixture that contains soap or a substance with surface activity used in washing and cleaning operations, as detergents can be in any form (liquid, gel). , powder, paste, pieces, mould, moulded pieces, shapes, etc.), and this product is being marketed for use in household consumer purposes.

She added: As for liquid detergents for fabrics and clothes, they are a detergent in the form of a liquid, gel, or capsules for washing clothes for use by non-specialists and public laundries for cleaning clothes. It can be high or low foam, depending on the type of washing machine designated for use or for washing by hand. She explained that the technical requirements of this standard specification are: “The detergent should be homogeneous and stable under normal conditions, i.e. its solid or liquid components do not separate, it does not have sedimentation or turbidity, and that must has an acceptable odor, and is suitable for use in hard and soft water, and to be easy to remove with water, and the possibility of adding allowed brighteners and color enhancement.”

Suad Al-Houtiyeh indicated that there is a difference in the pH limits between washing machines and manual washing, as the pH limits in manual washing range between 6-9, while pH limit in washing machines it ranges from 6-11, in addition to other technical requirements in terms of the total number of active ingredients. The totality, pH, and wires are calculated in the form of silicon dioxide and phosphate.. stressing that the product must be packed in suitable containers that do not affect the product, and that they are clean and well-sealed in order to protect the product from damage during transportation and storage.

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