Oman’s MoH reminds public to obtain death and birth certificates

Muscat: The Ministry of Health Calls on Citizens and residents of  Oman to obtain birth and death certificates as soon as possible to avoid violations under the Civil Status and Social Protection laws.

In an effort to overcome the delay and negligence on the part of concerned citizens and residents, in issuing birth and death certificates, which obstructs the implementation of the national strategy for electronic transformation , the Ministry notes the need to follow the following steps in cases of births and deaths:

1. The need to expedite the issuance of a birth or death certificate by reviewing the institution where the incident occurred, even if a long period of time has passed.

2. Those with whom these cases are registered in the future must obtain a birth or death (DOB) certificate immediately upon their occurrence, through the communication channels available at the health institutions where the incident occurred.

3. Update the personal data in the national health file, especially the civil number and contact numbers

The Ministry said that it has introduced many facilities to complete these procedures. These include by opening communication channels via e-mail, phone calls, or sending the required documents via the WhatsApp service to these institutions.

“The delay in completing these procedures is a violation of the provisions of Articles (13) and (27) of the Civil Status Law issued by Royal Decree No. 66/99 and the implementation of the requirements of Royal Decree No. 52/2022 issuing the Social Protection Law, ” (MOH) added.

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