Oman’s MTCIT organises workshop on new technologies used in road construction

Muscat: The Ministry of Transport, Communications and Information Technology, represented by the Monitoring and Control Department, organized a specialized workshop entitled “Uses of Recycled Rubber from Tires in Road Applications” to complement its roles in enhancing environmental institutional awareness and adopting the latest sustainable environmental solutions in the road sector.

The workshop was attended by a number of relevant government agencies, engineering consulting companies, and contracting companies specialized in road construction. The participants, through a detailed presentation by Global Recycle Company, learned about the new technologies used in road construction and the technical standards for rubber recycling that take into account the safety and environmental sustainability standards in force globally.

Ruqaya Bint Juma Al Balushi, Head of the Quality Control and Assurance Department at the Monitoring and Control Department, confirmed: “This workshop comes to achieve a series of objectives set by the Monitoring and Control Department at the Ministry of Transport, Communications and Information Technology, to enhance institutional cooperation with relevant government agencies and companies operating in the road sector by reviewing and adopting the best global practices in terms of sustainability and the use of recycled materials.”

She added that the sustainable environment axis is one of the main axes of “Oman Vision 2040”, which aims to enhance access to high-quality environments free of pollution by adopting and applying the latest technologies and applications of recycling and sustainability of available resources.

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