Oman’s New labour law Conforms with International Labour Standards: GFOW Chairman

Muscat: The General Federation of Oman Workers (GFOW) has expressed its deep appreciation to His Majesty Sultan Haitham bin Tarik for the promulgation of the Labour Law.

The law is an outcome of joint efforts between the three production parties, and includes a package of improvements aimed at striking a balance between the interests of workers and employers, and regulating labour relations in a manner that contributes to amplifying productivity and improving the work environment.

Nabhan Ahmed Al Batashi, GFOW Chairman, said: “The issuance of the Labour Law comes at an important stage during Oman’s renewed renaissance led by His Majesty Sultan Haitham bin Tarik. The law gives a special importance to the social and economic aspects to keep pace with aspirations of “Oman Vision 2040”. The law aims at creating an attractive and interactive labour market that keeps pace with demographic, economic and cognitive changes.”

In a statement to Oman News Agency (ONA), he added: “The Labour Law addresses gaps and differences in practices and procedures related to the application of the previous Labor Law. The law gives a broader contribution to organizing some sectors according to the requirements of each stage.”

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