Oman’s Social Development Minister Issues Decisions Proclaiming 4 Charitable Association

Muscat: Dr. Laila Ahmed Al Najjar, Minister of Social Development, issued 4 ministerial decisions announcing four charitable organizations, which were: Ishraqa Charity Foundation, Al Yusr Charitable Foundation, Al Roya Al Ejabya (Positive Vision) Association and Omani Design Association.

Ishraqa Charity Foundation aims to provide financial support to needy beneficiaries for the sake of developing Omani society in areas of education, support for children with disabilities and geriatric care.

Al Yusr Charitable Foundation seeks to improve the living conditions of families in need of livelihood assistance.

Al Roya Al Ejabya focuses on implementing public awareness programmes to lend support to segments that are prone to HIV infection or addiction to drugs and psychotropic substances.

Omani Design Association plans to develop frameworks, concepts and practices related to design as a sustainable industry. It considers establishing links with all sectors and operators in the field. The association envisages imparting knowledge and experience with government departments, private establishments and individuals, with a view to keeping pace with global developments in design thinking and related professional applications.

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