Oman’s Tenders Board signs contracts for purchase of government vehicles


Muscat: Represented by the Directorate General of Government Procurement, the Secretariat General of the Tender Board today signed framework contracts for the purchase of government vehicles. The contracts were inked with a number of vehicle suppliers in Oman.

The Tender Board also launched a system of managing orders to provide vehicle purchase services via Amana platform.

An agreement to this effect was signed by Eng. Badr Salim Al Ma’amari, Secretary General of the Tender Board, who described the signing of the first contract for the purchase of government vehicles as a major achievement. The added value of the contract is seen through shortening vehicle delivery time by 50 to 60 percent, he explained.

The signing of the contracts underlines the Tender Board’s keenness to develop Amana platform as a unified government electronic system for the management of purchase orders, the automation of such requests and the unification of purchase prices for government departments.

The step also helps devise terms and conditions of framework contracts, augment the gains of local content in contracts and link the parties concerned electronically.

The Secretariat General of the Tender Board was embarked on training more than 175 employees from the various government units to use Amana platform and manage orders. It also provided technical support to users of the platform through a 100 percent Omani staff that lends technical assistance whenever needed.

Amana platform is distinguished in many ways. It provides a range of price preferences, access to 36 types of vehicles, automation of vehicle purchasing processes, offering 270 training opportunities and more than 20 employment opportunities in the automotive sector. This is in addition to streamlining procedures and cutting down 55 to 60 percent of purchased vehicle delivery time.

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