Oman’s TRA is offering public consultation


The  Telecommunications Regulatory Authority is offering a Public Consultation on Annexes of the Regulation Organizing the Registration and Utilization of Frequencies and Radio Equipment and their pricing.

TRA has reviewed annexes related to the implementation of the Regulation Organizing the Registration and Utilization of Frequencies and Radio Equipment and their pricing, and made the necessary updates and amendments in accord- ance with the recommendations and decisions of the International Telecommu- nication Union, concerned international organizations, and the requirements of the Telecommunications market in the Sultanate of Oman. Therefore, TRA invites all interested parties to participate and provide their comments and views on the published consultation document

The strategic objectives

Ensure efficient management of natural and national resources

Develop a flexible and up-to-date regulatory environment and attractive for investment

Enabling investment in innovative technologies and services

Encouraging research and development

Main pillars

Keeping pace with the fast development in radio communication technology

Enhance the quality of communication services provided in Oman

Deadline for submitting the responses before 10th August 2023

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