Oman’s transport ministry clarifies on illegal transportation, withdrawal of driving licences


Muscat: The Ministry of Transport, Communications and Information Technology issued a clarification regarding reports that number of vegetables and fruits shops owners, including citizens, have been booked for violations and the withdrawal of their driving licenses.

In a statement MTCIT said: “The Ministry would like to clarify that this type of violation is not new; It was previously announced in various local media and through official social media accounts; As the executive regulations of the Land Transport Law stipulate in Articles (19 and 20) that it is necessary to use the licensed means of land transport in accordance with the licensed activity, and to ensure that each means of land transport carries an operating card, as Article (8) of the same regulations stipulates that the licensee may not operate any means of land transport unless he has obtained an operating card from the Ministry.”

The regulation specified a fine of OMR 300 for the activity of transporting goods and OMR 200 for the activity of renting or leasing vehicles for anyone who violates any of the licensing conditions stipulated in the regulation.

The Ministry affirms that the field inspections of the land transport activities inspectors come in order to combat negative phenomena in the sector through violations in the transportation of goods and individuals, and the Ministry stresses the need for business owners to reconcile their conditions by not practicing land transport activities without a license or in unequipped means of transport.

The Ministry also confirms that it welcomes all media inquiries and considers it a key partner in improving institutional work.

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