OMRAN Group signs MoU to Groom Human Resources in Tourism Sector

Muscat: OMRAN Group today signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the Global Travel and Tourism Partnership (GTTP) company.

The MoU will initiate the launch of extracurricular programmes and activities specifically designed for 10th and 11th grade students as a part of the Group’s Strategy.

The MoU was inked by Dr. Hashil Obaid Al Mahrouqi, CEO of OMRAN Group, and Michel Taride, Chairman of GTTP Advisory Board. Moreover, the MoU enables GTTP to offer an extensive curriculum of educational content in the field of travel and tourism through its e-learning platform, spanning a three-year period.

The pilot phase is set to benefit over 100 students from select schools across the Sultanate of Oman. Furthermore, a team of career guidance experts will receive training on leveraging the platform to provide an immersive and fruitful learning journey for aspiring tourism professionals.

Dr. Hashil Obaid Al Mahrouqi, CEO of OMRAN Group said, “This collaboration marks a pivotal moment in shaping national competencies that will underpin the growth of our vital tourism sector. It is perfectly aligned with our National Tourism Strategy, which places a strong emphasis on tourism education and training to bolster Oman’s standing in the competitive global tourism landscape.”

On her turn, Anne Lotter, CEO of GTTP said “Our partnership with OMRAN Group is a testament to our commitment to cultivating a deeper understanding of Oman’s rich tourism offerings.

Through our specialized programs, we aim to carve out new professional avenues in the dynamic world of travel and tourism, equipping participants with the crucial skills they need to thrive.”

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