OQ Group manages projects worth OMR 800 million in Musandam Governorate

OQ Group invests, manages projects worth OMR 800 million in Musandam Governorate

Khasab: The number of projects in which the OQ Group invests and is managed in the energy sector in Musandam Governorate has reached 3 projects, represented by the Musandam Gas Processing Plant and the management of marine fields in the Marine Concession Area 8, in addition to the Musandam Power Generation Station with a total value of about RO 800 million.

The OQ Group owns the Musandam gas and product processing station in the offshore concession area 8, where gas is used to generate power for the governorate. OQ also manages and operates the offshore fields in the concession area, Block 8, which is owned by the Ministry of Energy and Minerals.

OQ has been committed to improving work efficiency to raise production and reduce operational costs in the Block 8 concession area since it began managing oil and gas production operations in January 2019, which contains two offshore fields, Bukha and West Bukha, which produce oil and gas to supply the Musandam Power Station.

The group also manages and operates the Musandam power generation station, with a production capacity of about 120 megawatts per hour, and supplies the governorate with electrical energy.

On the other hand, OQ, in cooperation with the Musandam Governor’s Office, has been implementing a number of social investment projects in the governorate’s states since 2020, with an estimated value of about RO 4 million. It is focused on the urban, environmental and tourism aspects as an embodiment of its social responsibility and service to local communities.

It contributes with the competent government agencies to maintain the implementation of projects, including the Dibba Archaeological Center project in cooperation with the Ministry of Heritage and Tourism, the waterfront project in the state of Dibba, the development of Telegraph Island, the Bassa Beach project with the Omran Group, the Madha state park development project, and the waterfront development project in the wilayat of Bukha, the Musandam Science and Innovation Center with the Ministry of Energy and Minerals, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Youth, a group of oil and gas companies operating in the Sultanate of Oman, and Oman Sail.

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