OQ Organises Sustainability Forum on Water Management in Energy Sector tomorrow


Muscat: As part of its commitment to water resources management and paving the way towards achieving water positivity in the energy sector, OQ, the global integrated energy group, will host a sustainability forum on Water Management at its head office tomorrow (Wednesday), 19 July 2023.

This forum serves as a platform for OQ to contribute to global water conservation efforts and promote effective water resource management in the energy industry.

Aligned with the objectives of Oman Vision 2040, the initiative strives to facilitate a transition towards a sustainable future across all facets of the Group, seamlessly integrating sustainability into OQ’s performance throughout the value chain. To achieve this, the focus is on establishing objectives and devising plans to recapture lost value across various operations.

The forum will illuminate key themes, fostering an ecosystem that promotes collective transformation. One primary objective is to enhance the maturity of companies and organisations in water management through comprehensive risk analysis, reduced water consumption, and the adoption of leading practices.

Additionally, the forum will explore the utilisation of modern technology to optimise technical aspects of water management, while emphasising the significance of agile water resource management. Furthermore, the forum will address the need to develop essential frameworks and procedures for effective water management, ensuring alignment with efforts to achieve carbon neutrality.

“We at OQ are aiming for the sustainable use of water in our operations. We have organised this forum to gather relevant stakeholders, understand the local concepts and challenges surrounding this topic, and work together towards socially and culturally equitable, environmentally sustainable, and economically beneficial water use. This will be achieved through a stakeholder-inclusive process involving site- and catchment-based actions,” said Shaima Al Lawati, Vice President of Sustainability at OQ, expressing enthusiasm for OQ’s dedication to water sustainability.

OQ places a paramount focus on sustainability solutions and initiatives that aim to maximise the value of energy resources in the Sultanate of Oman. The Group strongly believes that achieving sustainability targets will not only yield environmental benefits, but also enhance brand reputation and foster long-term business success.

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