OQ Social Centers’ Project Opens

Sohar: Jussoor Foundation celebrated the launch of OQ Social Centers’ project under the patronage of HE Sheikh Mohammed bin Sulaiman Al Kindi, Governor of North Al Batinah. The project is part of the social investment projects implemented by Jusoor, and funded by OQ.

Mohammed bin Sulaiman Al Kindi, Governor of North Al Batinah and Chairman of the Board of Directors of Jusoor Foundation, explained that 4 social centers have been implemented and prepared in the Wilayat of Sohar under the name “OQ Social Centers” at a cost of (400) thousand Omani riyals with their basic facilities.

He added: These centers are an extension of the ancient Omani path in achieving the principle of social cohesion, and documenting communication between the members of the local community, and to be a social and cultural tributary through which social, religious and national activities and events are established and implemented and the community culture is disseminated through a series of goals with a social dimension among the local community. in which these centers are implemented.

For his part, Omar bin Muhammad Al-Abri, General Manager of Corporate Identity and Work Culture at OQ Group, said: Each center consists of basic facilities represented in a multi-purpose hall with a capacity of (400) people, a theatre, in addition to classrooms, and administrative and service facilities. centers with furniture and other interior fittings. The event was attended by His Excellency Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdullah Al Busaidi, Governor of Sohar, and a number of directors of government and private institutions.

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