OSHRM 6th Annual Conference in February

Muscat: The 6th annual conference of the Omani Society for Human Resource Management (OSHRM), organized in cooperation with the Ministry of Labour, will kick off on 7 February 2023 under the theme “The New Era of Work”.

The three-day conference aims to develop human resources and enhance human capital.This was announced during a press conference on the event.

Dr. Ghalib Saif Al Hosni, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Omani Society for Human Resources Management, said that the conference gains impetus from developments in the human resources sector. It reflects the progress made by the sector in a manner that keeps pace with the government’s aspirations and vision, he explained.

Al Hosni added that the conference caps up success stories of the previous five editions, which saw wide participation in the local and international spheres, thanks to the competence of lecturers and the quality of scholarly materials.

On his turn, Dr. Muhammed Mustafa Al Najjar, Director General of Training at the Ministry of Labour, affirmed that the conference will represent an opportunity to explore developments related to human resources through practices, theories, research and studies. The event also touches on developing the human resources system and strives to achieve integration between the public and private sectors.

Further, Manal Amir Al Harthy, Member of the Board of Directors and Head of the Organizing Committee of the Conference, said that the conference will bring together specialists from Oman and beyond. During the event, various related experiences in the public and private sectors will be reviewed.

The event also highlights major challenges in this sector. -ONA

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