“Our Family is a Trust” campaign launched in Oman’s Yanqul

Yanqul: The Omani Women’s Association in the Wilayat of Yanqul, the activities of the awareness campaign “Our family is a trust” organized by the Ministry of Social Development began, and will continue until the end of this year, with the participation of a number of governmental, civil and community agencies. It includes the implementation of a number of programs, events and social lectures.

The activities of launching the campaign began with a speech by the Department of Social Development, Binqul, which dealt with the importance of organizing this campaign.

A working paper was also presented entitled “Types of Child Abuse and Its Indicators” and the types of abuse according to the World Health Organization, which are physical and psychological abuse, actions and deprivation, and the extent to which these abuses relate to each other, in addition to the factors and causes of abuse, and many other factors and reasons.

The second working paper, entitled “Mechanisms to protect children from abuse”, dealt with the specialized mechanisms in the child protection system that are administered by committees in various governorates, the mechanism for dealing with reports and the stages they go through, the child protection line, and the privacy of reports that are strictly confidential.

The event was sponsored by His Excellency Sheikh Mohammed bin Ali Al-Ghafili, the Wali of Yanqul, in the presence of a number of officials from government departments in the state and members of society.

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