Over 1.6 million vehicles registered in Oman

Muscat: The monthly statistical bulletin issued by the National Center for Statistics and Information indicated that the total number of vehicles registered in the Sultanate of Oman reached 1,620,623 vehicles by the end of May 2023.

White topped the list of the most preferred colors for vehicles in the Sultanate of Oman, with as many as 693,890 vehicles sporting white color. Silver was the second choice, followed by gray and blue.

At the end of the list, the purple color was the least common color for vehicles in the Sultanate of Oman, with only 160 vehicles, to witness an increase of 6 additional vehicles of the purple color compared to May of the same year. As for the pink color, it came penultimate with 225 vehicles of the pink color.

The National Center for Statistics and Information is the concerned authority in the Sultanate of Oman to meet the country’s needs for official statistics and documented information for use in setting policies and programs at the national, regional and international levels, in light of the rapid economic and social changes.

The center also aims to meet the requirements of all parties in obtaining information in the development fields, adopting the necessary programs and activities for the purpose of collecting, processing, managing and documenting statistical and spatial data and information and promoting the promotion of statistical knowledge in Oman.

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