Over 500 entrepreneurs registered in ‘Kushk’ e-commerce platform

Muscat: The number of registered kiosk platform has reached more than 500 small and medium enterprises since its launch in 2022, and the “kushk” platform is one of the projects supervised by the Small and Medium Enterprises Authority.

The platform is a qualitative leap in the field of e-commerce, as it aims to simplify the selling experience, whether online or in traditional stores, with the aim of improving the shopping experience for customers and making it unique and smooth.

Haitham bin Abdullah Al Balushi, co-founder and CEO of the platform, said that the platform aims to improve the shopping experience for merchants and consumers, help them increase online sales, and expand to reach a larger number of customers in new markets.

He added that the “Kushk” platform enables e-commerce by providing sales channels via the Internet, and in commercial stores represented by selling products in multiple channels, which gives customers the option to shop in a smoother way, in addition to providing the online sales channel and the ability to purchase products through a website or other platform via the Internet, and this includes an independent website where customers can browse and purchase items, and the products are usually shipped to their sites by the logistics companies linked to the platform.

He pointed out that the target group for registration on the platform is retail stores and selling products represented by traditional stores and e-commerce merchants, explaining that the platform provides 6 services represented in an integrated online store, points of sale on mobile devices, an advanced control panel, quick setup, payment, electronic invoices, and inventory management.

It is worth noting that the “Kushk” platform seeks to provide integrated technological solutions that contribute to facilitating and improving the online shopping experience for small and medium enterprises, in addition to focusing on innovation and continuous improvement of services provided to beneficiaries, and expanding to reach new markets.

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