Over 800K Students to Begin New School Year 2024-2025

omani school
omani school

Muscat: As many as (811679) students will begin the new school year 2024/2025 tomorrow (Sunday) in various educational directorates across the Sultanate of Oman.

811,679 students, including 409,122 boys and 402,557 girls, returned to schools across the Sultanate of Oman as the new academic year 2024/2025 began. The students are enrolled in various educational directorates throughout the country, filled with determination and hope for the year ahead.

The breakdown of student enrollment by grade level includes 307,765 students in grades 1-4, comprising 155,449 boys and 152,316 girls. In grades 5-8, there are 275,953 students, including 138,621 boys and 137,332 girls. For grades 9-12, a total of 227,961 students are enrolled, with 115,052 boys and 112,909 girls. Additionally, 74,078 students are entering the first grade for the first time, while 2,080 students are enrolled in special education programs.

These students are spread across 1,287 schools in the Sultanate. The distribution of schools is as follows: 359 schools for grades 1-4, 328 schools for grades 5-9, 53 schools for grades 9-12, 77 schools for grades 10-12, 20 schools for grades 11-12, and 450 schools that offer continuous education across multiple grades. Furthermore, 127 schools will operate in the evening period, and 23 new schools have been added to accommodate the growing student population.

As students return to their studies, the education sector in Oman continues to expand and adapt, ensuring that each student has access to quality education in an environment that supports their academic and personal growth.

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