Over 9,000 SMEs Registered in South Al Batinah till end of 2022

Muscat: The number of small and medium enterprises in the Al Batinah South Governorate registered in the database of the Small and Medium Enterprises Development Authority reached more than 9,000 until the end of 2022.

The authority stated that the small enterprises amounted to 7,819, the small 1,369 enterprises, and the medium 60 enterprises.

The authority indicated that the number of small and medium enterprises that obtained the entrepreneurship card in the Al Batinah South Governorate amounted to 3,608 enterprises, including 2,886 small enterprises, 699 small enterprises and 23 medium enterprises.

The Small and Medium Enterprises Development Authority confirmed that these enterprises registered in the Authority’s database for the Governorate of South Al Batinah were distributed over 20 sectors represented in the construction sector, wholesale and retail trade; and repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles, manufacturing and other service activities, administrative and support service activities, accommodation and food service activities, transportation and warehousing, real estate activities, professional, scientific and technical activities, agriculture, forestry and fishing, electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply, education, recreation, arts and entertainment, water supply; Sanitation activities, waste management and treatment, human health and social service activities, information and communications, mining and quarrying, financial activities, insurance activities, etc. It is worth noting that most of the institutions registered in its database fall under the construction sector.

During the past year 2022, the Small and Medium Enterprises Development Department in the Al Batinah South Governorate launched a number of initiatives, programs and events, as it organized 7 marketing and promotional exhibitions during the year 2022, in which the number of participants reached 345, and the value of sales amounted to 27 thousand Omani riyals, as one of these exhibitions is the Enterprise Exhibition. The Omani and Chinese industries, the Eid holiday exhibitions, the Omani Crafts Day exhibition, in addition to the creative chef competition and exhibition. The administration also implemented 8 training programs in which 104 trainees participated, in addition to implementing 18 educational programs and forums in various wilayats of the governorate, benefiting 390 people.

The plan of the Small and Medium Enterprises Development Department in the Governorate of South Al Batinah during this year 2023 AD focuses on a number of areas, the most important of which is development, empowerment and finding marketing outlets for owners of small and medium enterprises through cooperation with a number of government and private institutions.

The Small and Medium Enterprises Development Department in the governorate seeks, by making maximum use of the available capabilities and resources effectively and efficiently, to improve work and ensure the continuity of providing services to the beneficiaries of the owners of small and medium enterprises, to carry out a set of initiatives, programs and events, the most important of which is the opening of a business incubator in cooperation with the Oman College of Management and Technology, where The incubator will provide ready-made workspaces, and present work plans to develop the performance of the incubated institutions, in addition to providing technical and administrative support through consulting, guidance, promotion, marketing, and financing programs according to the regulations followed by the Authority.

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