Over RO 593 million sewage network construction project in Al Sharqiyah North Governorate

Ibra: “Nama Water Services” confirmed that the future plan for the sewage networks in the “North Al Sharqiyah Governorate” from 2025 to 2045, a total cost is estimated at more than OMR 593 million, and it will include the construction of sewage treatment plants, networks Main sewage, sub-sewer networks, connection of facilities to sewage services, and treated water networks.

The estimated length of these projects is about 3,234 kilometers in the various wilayats of the governorate.

The company indicated that about 21 sewage stations will be established with a total capacity of 81,731 cubic meters per day, and it is expected to serve 516,000 people in the governorate’s wilayats. Al-Qabil, Wadi Bani Khalid and Sinaw, with one station in the wilayats of Ibra and Bidiyah.

The company stated that the sewage stations currently in the “North Al Sharqiyah Governorate” amount to 9 stations distributed over the governorate’s wilayats, with an estimated total capacity of about 6825 cubic meters, and the total water flowing to these stations is 3560 cubic meters, i.e. with a saving capacity for the stations of about 50 percent, including the nine stations in the governorate, the sewage station in “Wilayat Al-Mudhaibi” with a total capacity of 600 cubic meters, the sewage station in “Wilayat Ibra” with a capacity of 4,500 cubic meters, the “Wilayat of Bidiyah” station with a capacity of 300 cubic meters, and the “Wilayat of Al-Qabil” station. With a total capacity of 250 cubic metres, and in the Wilayat of Dama and Al Tayyin, the sewage plant has a capacity of 250 cubic metres, and in the Wilayat of Wadi Bani Khalid, the two sewage stations in the “Maqil” area with a capacity of 125 cubic metres, and in the “Mada” region with a capacity of 500 cubic metres, in addition to to two stations in “Sanaw State”The first has a total capacity of 120 cubic meters, and the second is in the village of “Al-Jaza'” with a total capacity of 180 cubic meters.

Namaa Water Services confirmed that the implementation of the design and construction of the anaerobic treatment tank project at the sewage treatment plant in Ibra Wilayat has been completed. Preparing tender documents for design and implementation, in addition to the project to complete the sewage network in the “Al-Ghuwailah” area in the village of “Sih Al-Afia” in the “Wilayat of Ibra” with the rehabilitation of the old network. With a length of 12 km, this is in addition to delivering 1,359 home deliveries, as preparations for the project have been completed and implementation work is underway.

It is noteworthy that “Namaa Water Services” seeks, through the implementation of the detailed plan for sewage projects in the Sultanate of Oman until 2045, to achieve the company’s strategic objectives represented in the protection of humans and the environment, to develop an integrated study for all population centers in the governorates and their needs for sanitation service, and to develop a future plan For sanitation projects, their financial budget and schedule, in addition to studying all possible options for providing sanitation service on a larger scale, a comparative study and analysis of all the technologies currently used and coming up with the best technical solutions, in addition to defining a future list of projects arranged according to priority and importance, and studying all projects in terms of social, economic and environmental.

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