Palestinian Cinema Days event begins in Seeb

Seeb: The Palestinian Cinema Days event began in the Wilayat of Seeb, at the Lunar Cinema in Al Muzn Mall, and it will last for 3 days.

This event, which is organized by the Omani Society for Cinema and Theater, in cooperation with the Embassy of the State of Palestine in the Sultanate of Oman, comes out of the cultural and artistic partnership enjoyed by the two countries over the past years. With the efforts of the cadres and the dissemination of the cultural legacies of both countries in a technical framework.

The event was opened under the patronage of His Excellency Qasim bin Marhoon Al Ameri, member of the Shura Council, representative of the state of Seeb.

Dr. Humaid bin Saeed Al-Amiri, President of the Omani Society for Cinema and Theater, said in a speech that the Palestinian Cinema Days event comes as one of the fruits of cooperation with the Palestinian embassy to spread the Omani and Palestinian cinematic culture among the technical cadres.

He added: The event aims to raise the level of cinematic work and its efficiency through the cinematic works made by the ambitious Omani youth, who possesses a lot of determination and challenge to direct his work at a high level by acquainting him with international technical competencies and expanding his cinematic outlook in producing and directing works.

His Excellency Dr. Tayseer Jaradat, Ambassador of the State of Palestine accredited to the Sultanate of Oman, said in a speech: “The Omani Association for Cinema and Theater hosting Palestinian cinema days is a reflection of the firm positions of the Omani people and their leadership regarding the cause of the Palestinian people and true support for their rights in the various stages of their ongoing struggle until achieving their goals.” Patriotism is about liberation, ending the occupation, and establishing an independent Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital.

He added: The civilization and progress of peoples is measured by the variety of cultures they possess. The ceremony included the screening of the movie “Large Coat”, dealing with the Palestinian reality between 1987-2011, directed by Nawras Abu Saleh. It is worth noting that on the second day of the Palestinian Cinema Days, the film “Curtains of Darkness” will be screened at Luna Cinema in Al-Mazn Mall. The filmmaker Abdullah Khamis will also present a cinematic paper in which he talks about prominent stations in the march of Palestinian cinema. The conclusion of the event will be held the day after tomorrow / Wednesday / at the headquarters of The Omani Film and Theater Association screened the film “Laqma”.

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