Patients struggle with car parking shortage in front of Al Nahdha Hospital

A number of Al-Nahda Hospital patients complained about the lack of parking spaces, which constitutes a burden on the patients and a waste of time just to get a parking space. The search for a place for the vehicle becomes a dilemma in light of the increasing number of patients.

The scene of crowding and the search for a parking lot for the car has become a scene that everyone is accustomed to in front of Al-Nahda Hospital. As a result, the entrances and exits are closed, and some paths leading to the hospital are closed as a result of random parking. their homes.

Jamal Al-Balushi, the reviewer, says: “This problem needs radical solutions to mitigate or limit it, because Al-Nahda Hospital is one of the basic reference hospitals and includes specialized clinics and an emergency department. The Ministry of Health had previously moved some clinics to Khoula Hospital to reduce overcrowding. However, the matter has not changed, and I call for solving this problem by building upper parking lots that accommodate an additional number of vehicles.”

Muhammad al-Siyabi describes the scene as a “crisis,” stressing that the journey of searching for a parking lot takes more time and may lead to the loss of the revision appointment, in addition to the psychological and health aspects caused by the crowding crisis and the search for a parking space in front of the hospital.

Saeed Al-Shukaili points out the importance of considering this matter, taking into account the increase in the number of visitors to Al-Nahda Hospital, explaining that the person who goes to the hospital is preoccupied with his health problem or the matter that he came to accomplish, so he should not be burdened with searching for a suitable place to park the car, calling on the concerned authorities to intervene. Providing service facilities that auditors need.

One of the reviews says: “Going to Al-Nahda Hospital has become difficult because the auditor keeps thinking about how to get a parking space for the car, and this may push some people to park in violation due to the lack of parking, which results in violating it or harassing the residents in the area, and we have to find solutions to preserve general appearance and to reduce crowding and waste of time for reviewers.

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