Project to measure the salinity of groundwater in Al Batinah South Governorate

Rustaq: The Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Water Resources is implementing a project to measure the salinity of groundwater for a number of wells in the states of Barka and Musannah in the Al Batinah South Governorate, with the aim of monitoring the change in the water quality of the wells located in the coastal states and knowing the extent of the impact resulting from the interaction between fresh and salt water.

Engineer Ahmed bin Ibrahim Al-Esayi, Director of the Water Resources Department at the Directorate General of Agricultural, Fisheries and Water Resources in South Al Batinah Governorate, said: The implementation of the project comes within the framework of efforts to protect water wealth and develop its resources, whether in terms of quantity or quality, and to confront the phenomenon of seawater overlapping in the coastal parts.

He pointed out that the implementation of the groundwater salinity measurement project, which the ministry is implementing, targets about 1,400 wells distributed along the Al Batinah coast and the Salalah Plain, to monitor the change in the water quality of the wells located in those parts on a regular basis every five years and to know the extent of the impact resulting from the interaction between fresh and salt water.

He explained that samples are currently being taken from wells in the Al Batinah coast of the states of Barka and Musannah, and it will continue until the end of this month to find out the current situation and find out the extent of the overlap between salty and fresh water according to the methodology used in this field.

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