Royal Hospital Succeeds in 3 organ transplants from Brain-dead donor

Muscat : A specialized medical team at the Royal Hospital succeeded in carrying out 3 organ transplants from a brain-dead donor, during which 3 patients were given the opportunity to be treated for chronic organ failure.

The first brain-dead donor liver transplant was performed on an adult patient suffering from chronic liver failure and for whom there was no available donor from his relatives. It was performed by an Omani surgical team specialized in liver transplantation and under the supervision of the liver transplantation team at King Fahd Specialist Hospital in Dammam, and it represents a new achievement added in the field of organ transplantation within the national program for organ transplantation in the Sultanate of Oman.

Dr. Salah bin Muhammad al-Jabri, a consultant in liver surgery and transplantation and head of the Liver Transplantation Committee at the Royal Hospital said that the operation took about 8 hours and was crowned with success. Point out that liver resection requires well trained cadres so that it is removed in a precise and rapid manner so as not to damage the organ to be transplanted.

He stated that among the difficulties facing this type of operation is the search for a suitable patient to transplant these organs in a very short time, and the availability of medical staff in the hospital in less than 24 hours to perform this type of operation.

He stressed that cooperation with the organ transplantation team at King Fahd Hospital in Dammam in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia gave the national program for organ transplantation a great impetus to develop the program and increase the experience of national cadres to perform this type of operation and rapid and greater steps towards independence. Two operations were also performed, namely the transplantation of kidneys for two children, aged nine and ten, who had been undergoing proton dialysis for years. They lost their innocence and childhood, due to their illness, in the corridors of the hospital during their frequent visits, and they did not have a donor from their relatives.

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