Rustaq witnesses active purchasing movement ahead of Eid al-Adha

Rustaq:  Ahead of Eid al-Adha, the Wilayat of Rustaq in the Governorate of South Al Batinah are witnessing an active purchasing movement during this period to purchase the Eid sacrifices, as the livestock offered are varied, including local and imported ones, in addition to the variety of exhibits of fruits, vegetables, honey, local ghee, and tools that are used in Preparing Eid meals such as firewood for grills, barbecue leaves, and banana leaves that are usually used to wrap barbecue meat, in addition to many different consumables.

Juma bin Saeed Al-Yarubi, who works in the profession of calling for livestock in the Rustaq market, said: The blessed Eid Al-Adha, from the beginning of the month of Dhul-Hijjah, witnessed a great turnout from sellers and buyers. The activities that attract many citizens, whether they display their goods or who come to buy their supplies and essential needs that are used in the blessed Eid Al-Adha.

He mentioned that the highest price of cows in the declines of this year during the past days of the beginning of the month of Dhul-Hijjah reached 1,230 Omani riyals, while the highest price of sheep reached 250 Omani riyals, and the prices of cows, whether local or imported, ranged between 300 and 750. Omani riyals, and the prices of sheep and sheep, whether local or imported, ranged between 50 and 150 Omani riyals, stressing that the purchasing movement in the downfall of the Rustaq market is good and the prices are affordable, expecting that the purchasing movement during the remaining two downturns in the Rustaq market will witness a great turnout, whether from sellers or consumers, as well as a rise in livestock prices.

Various goods are displayed in the stalls of the Rustaq market, whether they come from the province or from neighboring provinces, as the state market is crowded with active movement since the early morning hours of citizens and residents from all the province’s states and villages.

With the start of the first ten days of Dhul-Hijjah, the states of North Al-Sharqiyah governorate witnessed an active purchasing movement by setting up traditional stalls to supply the requirements of Eid Al-Adha in an annual socio-economic event that attracts shoppers from inside and outside the governorate.

The “seventh” day of Dhu al-Hijjah witnessed the establishment of the holiday party, known locally as the “seventh party”, as the party in the states of Sinaw, Ibra and Bidiyah witnessed a purchasing movement and a great turnout from shoppers who are keen to supply Eid supplies such as meat, clothes, Omani sweets, and nuts. , barbecue supplies, children’s toys, and other holiday needs.

The prices of sacrificial animals in the various markets of the governorate’s wilayats ranged between medium and high, as the prices of cows ranged between “380” and “750” Omani riyals, while the prices of sheep ranged between “80” and “220” Omani riyals. From shoppers to supply all kinds of sweets, as the governorate’s wilayats are famous for the quality of the supply of Omani sweets, which is one of the basics of the Eid table in every home.

Children flock in the governorate’s to buy toys, nuts and sweets, as a number of saleswomen were keen to sell children’s supplies in a way that expresses the joy of Eid for children and their participation.

It is noteworthy that a number of Eid hops witness the holding of many accompanying events, such as the horse and camel race, Omani singing arts, traditional shooting competitions, and other annual activities associated with the hops and the joy of Eid.

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