SAI Submits Annual Report to His Majesty the Sultan


Muscat: Sheikh Ghosn Hilal Al Alawi, Chairman of the State’s Audit Institution (SAI) submitted “SAI annual report 2021” to His Majesty Sultan Haitham bin Tarik. SAI focused all its resources and utilized all its potential to execute the powers entrusted to it, with a high level of proficiency.

In implementation of Article (66) of the Basic Law of the State, promulgated under Royal Decree No. 6/2021 and Article (29) of State’s Audit Institution’s Law, issued under Royal Decree No. 111/2011, the SAI forwarded copies of its report to the Council of Ministers, the State Council and the Shura Council.

SAI’s annual report comprised key outcomes of its inspection of some units of the State’s Administrative Apparatus, public authorities, establishments and companies, as well as branches of these bodies covered by the SAI.

The report was corroborated by SAI’s final findings, along with the replies of those bodies to its queries made within the context of the institution’s annual plan 2021.

The SAI mission was conducted bearing in mind the objectives of Oman Vision 2040 and the principles and standards endorsed by the International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI) and SAI audit guidelines of risk analysis based on the principle of segment-per-segment inspection.

The SAI report also included a statement on financial and administrativeviolations and the measures taken in this regard, in addition to the SAI’s efforts to enhance integrity within the context of its mandate to combat corruption and its follow-up of implementation of the UN Convention against Corruption. – ONA

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